

What does Entelgy bring to the insurance sector?

In the insurance sector we are living in a period of change never before known.

And what is new is that it is not only the changes, but also their speed! People, technology, companies, laws..., everything is changing and doing so at a truly dizzying pace.

We make business solutions based on the best technologies and on three fundamental pillars

  • Knowledge of the insurance sector.
  • Results orientation, including sharing of project risk.
  • A dual methodology that simultaneously focuses on the business objectives of the insurers and on the client

What do we do?

We offer vertical services and solutions for the life and savings, non-life, health and healthcare insurance sector, including service centres.

In our specialized area for the Insurance Sector, we help you and provide a lot of value in

All our insurance news



Contacta con nosotros

Enrique Santiago

Director de Banca & Seguros

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What does Entelgy bring to the Financial sector?

In Entelgy we are aware of the challenges faced by the financial sector and, for years, we have been evolving our service offer to be always in the forefront and to anticipate their needs.

Thanks to our extensive experience in different countries, we have knowledge of the global scenarios in which our clients operate and the challenges they face, both human and digital.

What do we do?

Our portfolio covers all types of digital solutions, as well as strategic ones, covering the following lines of action:

All our news about the Financial sector


Contacta con nosotros

Enrique Santiago

Director de Banca & Seguros

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What does Entelgy bring to the Telco and Media sector?

"We are not in an era of change, but in a change of era"

One of the great advantages of the fifth mobile generation is the transmission speed, which will make 5G the tool that will allow the Internet of Things (IoT) to become an everyday reality: the devices will share information constantly and instantly, with a speed and volume of data that is technically impossible today.

The transformation of the Telco and Media markets shows, on a daily basis, that they are one of the clearest examples of the change of era.

Furthermore, content, the reason for being and the only product in the media sector, is now also the spearhead of Telco operators who are looking for new fishing grounds and also to build customer loyalty. In the same way, the linear media channel is migrating towards the online model, where connectivity has become a key factor for the business success of any Media group. Not only to offer an optimal delivery of its contents, but also to be able to launch new business models.

In a scenario that changes day by day, the companies of these two sectors also converge in their objectives. The search for profit only through the advertising model and the product has changed and both sectors have placed the customer at the center of their strategies, seeking to know them thoroughly in order to offer a unique user experience and also monetize this experience.

What do we do?

From Entelgy we collaborate and accompany the big telecommunication operators and media groups in this path. More than 15 years of experience guarantee us. We have become the reliable and highly specialized partner in the fields of:

All our news about Telco and Media



Contacta con nuestro experto

Antonio Rodrigo

Director de sector Telco & Media

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What does Entelgy bring to the retail sector?

The arrival of the new Millenial and Z generations or the convulsion caused by digitalization in the Retail sector as well as the entry of new digital players have restarted the rules of the game. A game of chess, where the King is the client and all the pieces have to revolve around him, in a check strategy where the on and off environments remain united in a unified experience.

For this to be possible, businesses have to bet on the operational efficiency of their value chain, the acquisition of knowledge through data, the evolution and creation of business models and the use of technology as a vehicle to accelerate that change; all wrapped up in the best possible layer of protection.

*October 2019.

What do we do?

Our portfolio covers all types of digital solutions, as well as strategic ones, covering the following lines of action:

All our retail news


Contacta con nuestro experto

Moisés Baena

R. Seguros, Retail, Industria&Servicios

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Our proposal

To transform and manage with the highest quality and efficiency the business processes of our Clients through the use of technology and the best strategy for user adoption.

Digital Business ProcessOur core: Business Process Management

Our tools: The constant adoption of new technologies

At Entelgy we work to provide maximum value to our clients in the discovery, adoption, consolidation and maintenance of new technologies that boost their business, always cyber-protected. To offer complete and integrated solutions, we transform and manage their business processes with the highest quality and efficiency, through the use of technology and the best user adoption strategy:


Analysis and Transformation

“As-is” construction of business processes working from the data sources that uphold them, avoiding the subjectivity found in traditional process improvement methodology.
Assessment of process performance, identifying the root cause of inefficiency and comparing against similar cases from other companies in the sector.



Automation of processes using robots, eliminating repetitive tasks.
Development of solutions, digitalization of processes through APPification and Microservices.
Implementation of Full Cloud Software applications that cover e2e digitalization of a process in Software as a Service or Bespoke mode.



Management and operation of IT and COM processes regarding technical aspects and end-user services.
Application in operating technologies that give customers a digital experience and the maximum “predictability and proactivity” based on continuous data analysis and application of AI/ML.



Equip the business processes we manage with the maximum logical security by developing the SecOp concept (Secure Operation).
Transformation of the user culture to achieve maximum awareness raising on securing business processes.


End user Adoption

Value offer



Analysis and Transformation

The digitalization era impacts how we live and how companies do business. Leaders understand that data exploitation gives a major competitive advantage. We interact in the process of discovering information from increasingly large quantities of data. We have a Cloud solution to quickly gain insights that encourage transformation towards a data-driven organization, providing Big Data and Advanced Analytics solutions.
As experts in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, we provide solutions and models to be used in different sectors, implementing AI solutions in image, video, audio, PLN, etc.


SEAS: Software Engineering Agile Secure

At Entelgy, we provide a series of our own digital tools and developments for clients that help us to take this step we need towards tomorrow.

Thanks to our experience in multiple sectors, we can offer the best digital solutions, which we specialize according to the case of use, to manage and optimize time and resources.


Smart Operations

We incorporate cutting-edge technology and models into our services to meet business challenges.

With a new Smart Operation architecture that amasses and standardizes all data from Our Customers’ various functional domains and sends them to the applications layer (open ecosystem) for analysis and decision-making, automating the business processes and their operation as much as possible.

New approach to the customer: digital operation (intelligent/efficient) of Help Desk services, management of COM, IT & Cloud infrastructures, applications maintenance, BPOs, etc.

We transform and operate business processes using technology.
This makes it possible to create an open ecosystem for different technological partners to work together.

Cloud Observability

When you operate at the speed and scale of the cloud, you can't afford to fly blind: you need to be able to answer operational and business questions like these. To get this information, you need observable systems.

FinOps to save on your cloud bill

Discover with us how to optimise your cloud

Cloud Software Development

Based on a layered architecture and a technological framework to simplify and organize solutions, allow modular development and the construction of reusable solution.

Cloud Software Development

S5 Box