Entelgy, differential value for each sector
Entelgy in the Public Sector
Public administrations are faced with the challenge of continuing to move towards a more efficient and e-government, so that they pour out all these improvements to the citizen. Public employees and the general public have changed, and with them the services they demand from the administration. Entelgy is accompanying the Public Administration at a state, autonomous and local level in the process of this transformation, on a methodological, technological and, of course, secure basis.
Entelgy in the Financial Sector
In Entelgy we are aware of the challenges faced by the financial sector and, for years, we have been evolving our service offer to be always in the forefront and to anticipate their needs. Thanks to our extensive experience in different countries, we have knowledge of the global scenarios in which our clients operate and the challenges they face, both human and digital.
Entelgy in the Industry sector
The world of industry is changing dramatically, leaving behind product centric business models and embracing the customer and their needs ("Customer Centric") in order to maximize business performance. Entelgy meets those technology needs that the industry needs to address rooted in digitization, business intelligence, cyber security and ad hoc solutions.
Entelgy in the Retail sector
The arrival of the new Millenial and Z generations or the convulsion caused by digitalization in the Retail sector as well as the entry of new digital players have restarted the rules of the game. A game of chess, where the King is the client and all the pieces have to revolve around him, in a check strategy where the on and off environments remain united in a unified experience. .
Entelgy in the Insurance sector
In the insurance sector we are living in a period of change never before known. And what is new is that it is not only the changes, but also their speed! People, technology, companies, laws..., everything is changing and doing so at a truly dizzying pace. In Entelgy we make business solutions based on the best technologies.
Entelgy in the Telco and Media sector
In a scenario that is changing day by day, companies in these two sectors are also converging on their objectives. The search for profit only through the advertising model and the product has changed and both sectors have placed the customer at the centre of their strategies, seeking to know them thoroughly in order to offer them a unique user experience and also to monetise this experience. From Entelgy we collaborate and accompany the big telecommunication operators and media groups in this path.