

What does Entelgy bring to the insurance sector?

In the insurance sector we are living in a period of change never before known.

And what is new is that it is not only the changes, but also their speed! People, technology, companies, laws..., everything is changing and doing so at a truly dizzying pace.

We make business solutions based on the best technologies and on three fundamental pillars

  • Knowledge of the insurance sector.
  • Results orientation, including sharing of project risk.
  • A dual methodology that simultaneously focuses on the business objectives of the insurers and on the client

What do we do?

We offer vertical services and solutions for the life and savings, non-life, health and healthcare insurance sector, including service centres.

In our specialized area for the Insurance Sector, we help you and provide a lot of value in

All our insurance news

May 30, 2024

El futuro del sector asegurador…

La industria aseguradora se encuentra ante un panorama cada vez…
February 27, 2023

Entelgy celebra su Kick Off…

La pasada semana celebramos el Kick Off de Banca y…
December 01, 2022

MAPFRE lanza la campaña de…

La colaboración entre MAPFRE y Entelgy ha incrementado el carácter…



Contacta con nosotros

Enrique Santiago

Director de Banca & Seguros

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