Software Engineering


Process Mining & Excellence

Process mining is a technology that discovers, optimises and automates processes from data by obtaining the digital footprint of processes in different systems.

According to Forrester 61% of decision makers will use process mining to simplify operations.


Process Mining de Entelgy



  Business benefits

Cómo ayuda la minería de procesos


Our CoE

Our Center of Excellence (CoE) aims to centralise knowledge and best practices in the use of Celonis in order to provide the best expertise and advice to maximise the value of each project.


Process mining components

Process Mining includes different tools to analyse and improve your processes within the following four areas:

Así funciona la minería de procesos

Discovery of the process

Reading the digital footprint Companies implement their business processes using a variety of systems, which makes it difficult to have full visibility of the process.

All these systems leave a digital footprint which is the starting point for Process Mining.

Process compliance

By means of calculation algorithms, Process Mining is able to paint the flow of the process as it is from the data obtained (data-driven) and compare it with the design defined by the organisation.

In this way we can detect errors, redundancies, bottlenecks...

Process Mining: conformidad del proceso
Process Mining: rendimiento del proceso

Process performance

By obtaining real-time data we can measure process speed, errors, redundancies and bottlenecks by calculating specific KPIs.

We can measure the automation rate, the % of late deliveries, the average duration of the process...

Improving the process

With real-time data we can automate mechanisms of action using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools, as well as harmonise and redesign the process to align it with the company's objectives.

Process Mining: mejora del proceso

All our news about Process Mining

Contacta con nuestro experto para descargar nuestra ficha

Jordi Llobet

D. de Negocio de Process Mining

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Entrada no válida


SLIBE es una solución en la nube que proporciona una herramienta de planificación y optimización de las tareas de los agentes de campo. Permite incluir la información de cualquier tipo de dispositivo dentro de las reglas de asignación, con una aplicación móvil que logra geolocalizar a los agentes y facilitar el trabajo a realizar.

El reto de SLIBE es mejorar la eficiencia en las operaciones de campo:

El producto resultante del proyecto SLIBE tiene un enorme potencial económico, dado que se plantea como una herramienta de gestión de soluciones de streaming tanto desde el punto de vista LIVE como bajo demanda:


“SLIBE: Plataforma de intermediación de media”

Proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, y cofinanciado con cargo al fondo FEDER, en el marco del Programa Nacional de Cooperación Público-Privada-Subprograma RETOS-Colaboración, expediente RTC-2015-4180-6.




Proven Quality.

From the outset, Entelgy has used internationally-acknowledged standards in its methodological models and frameworks. We are one of the few national leaders in our field that can boast simultaneously holding all these certificates.

ISO 9001 EQA-ENAC Professional Technical Services As a guarantee of quality in processes for selection, allocation, training and inclusion in career plans.

ISO 9001 AENOR Software Development and Maintenance As a basis for continuous improvement in our services and guaranteeing application of best practice.

ISO 14001 EQA-ENAC Environment Application of sustainability and environmental best practices.

ISO 27001 AENOR Security and Technological Risks High criticality certification given to the continuous increase of threats in the information systems sector.

ISO 20000 AENOR Service Management Fundamental to provide the ITIL and ISO 20.000 model best practices in service management.

ISO / IEC 15504 OCACERT Software Development and Maintenance Also known as SPICE, it is equivalent to the CMMi model and sets the framework for continuous improvement in software development and maintenance.

European Scrum Org As the basis for improving productivity in constructing applications based on the Agile Scrum model.

Compliance with the National Security Scheme: certifies the information systems that support the process/workstation services and the related services.

Microsoft Solution Partner Security highlights our capabilities to implement, operate and exploit your security solutions.

The Next Generation D Pact, funded by the European Union Next Generation, is a commitment by all to make the whole society ready, pursuing that the different organizations, associations, companies, etc. join the digital pact.

AWS. The AWS Advanced Service Partner level recognizes those organizations that have a team of trained, certified professionals with customer experience and high technical expertise.


Quality and environmental policy

Since its foundation, Entelgy's management has been committed to quality policies and respect for the environment, including internationally recognized standards in its models and methodological frameworks. In order to fulfill this commitment, it establishes a Quality and Environmental Management System based on the UNE EN ISO 9001 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001 Standards.

Entelgy has a priority objective set out in the policy derived from the strategic plan arising from its Corporate Vision and Mission: to satisfy the needs and expectations of Clients in the provision of professional technical services and in the design, development and maintenance of information systems and to achieve high levels of quality adjusted to the requirements of the Client. The Quality and Environmental Management System controls each of the processes and the significant environmental impacts and also ensures the capacity of the service provided to the Client, as well as the detection of non-conformities and incorporates the necessary means to prevent them from happening again.

The fundamental values that Entelgy promotes as its own in this framework are:

Entelgy is Certified:

In the UNE EN ISO 9001 standard in the Provision of professional technical services in information technologies in the Central Office of Madrid and in Services of design, development and maintenance of information systems in the Centre of Bilbao.

In the standard UNE-EN-ISO 14001 in the Provision of Consulting Services in the field of Information Technology and Telecommunications.


This policy, appropriate to our organization, is communicated to staff and understood by them, there is a commitment on their part of involvement and commitment to Quality and Environmental Management.


Some of our main clients:

Sharing challenges

with major firms.

300 national and international organizations have already placed their trust in us.

Our high growth is due to the great acceptance we have among our customers.


*Trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.

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