Entelgy Outsourcing



The pressure for "Time to Market", the increasingly shorter cycles for the development of new products, the optimisation of the cost of production in property, and the self-service of Cloud infrastructures are some of the Business needs that are repeated in organisations and that are vital to maintain the existing high level of competitiveness.

In the current context, the Business is facing several challenges, the internalisation of Agile models, which requires a disruptive organisational transformation, the disappearance of organisational silos, shared structures, the autonomy of professional teams, automation and cybersecurity to achieve greater operational efficiency.

At Entelgy, we drive the transformation of IT services to help businesses meet existing needs and look to the future to meet the challenges.

We provide technology, models and the talent of our professionals to improve the user experience in their relationship with all IT environments from the Help Desk to the consumption of applications and communications networks.

And all this, with the certified recognition of the most recognised quality standards in the market and alliances with the leading manufacturers in the sector.




A new mindset as a driver of change to drive IT services transformation and meet business challenges in a highly competitive environment


Efficiently harnessing information in an increasingly digitised environment to drive operations and make the most timely decisions


We focus on our professionals, their training, their motivation and their professional careers as the main source of value for our clients


We combine the capabilities of our technological and security areas with those of the leading manufacturers in the sector. We provide the best solutions to optimise our clients' business


Because when you walk with someone, you go farther.


Digital Workplace

We improve the user experience in their relationship with the Help Desk by providing efficiency in the operation and enhancing their capabilities in a digitised, remote and collaborative environment.


We drive business competitiveness by transforming applications, intelligently using emerging technologies and applying Agile models.

Business Process Outsourcing

We combine automation and talent to bring processes to their best performance ratio and operational efficiency through our Fitness Process programmes.


Las personas y las empresas, llevan toda la vida cambiando, preguntándose cómo y cuándo. Lo único que hoy es distinto es la velocidad a la que nos lo preguntamos y sobre todo, la velocidad a la que tenemos que abordarlo.



Trabaja con nosotros

Si eres una persona entusiasta, te encanta y apasiona lo que haces, eres emprendedora, colaboradora, con actitud al cambio y te gusta liderar tu evolución profesional, vente con nosotros y…


Haznos llegar tu CV a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. y forma parte de nuestro equipo



En Entelgy cada Persona cuenta

Entelgy apuesta por el desarrollo de sus personas tanto a nivel profesional como personal. Te apoyamos, formamos y tutorizamos en tu mejora continua. Somos una empresa muy viva, dinámica, en pleno desarrollo y eso te permite crecer profesionalmente.

Porque para nosotros es clave, estamos invirtiendo cada vez más en formación y capacitación, basándonos en itinerarios formativos adaptados a tus necesidades. Hemos creado programas de formación y desarrollo basados en formación e-learning, formación presencial, formación on-demand, idiomas y mentoring dependiendo de tu rol profesional.

Además, en Entelgy, organizamos equipos multiculturales, presentando oportunidades profesionales, gestionando el conocimiento y la diversidad, sin distinciones. Te damos la oportunidad de desarrollarte y creer. Si buscas una empresa donde tu futuro lo marcas tú, ¡ya la has encontrado!



Profesionales cualificados

95,5 M €

Added value



Visión global

Cualquier reto, cualquier lugar



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