

Entelgy, differential value for each sector

Entelgy in the Public Sector

Public administrations are faced with the challenge of continuing to move towards a more efficient and e-government, so that they pour out all these improvements to the citizen. Public employees and the general public have changed, and with them the services they demand from the administration. Entelgy is accompanying the Public Administration at a state, autonomous and local level in the process of this transformation, on a methodological, technological and, of course, secure basis.



Entelgy in the Financial Sector

In Entelgy we are aware of the challenges faced by the financial sector and, for years, we have been evolving our service offer to be always in the forefront and to anticipate their needs. Thanks to our extensive experience in different countries, we have knowledge of the global scenarios in which our clients operate and the challenges they face, both human and digital.


Entelgy in the Industry sector

The world of industry is changing dramatically, leaving behind product centric business models and embracing the customer and their needs ("Customer Centric") in order to maximize business performance. Entelgy meets those technology needs that the industry needs to address rooted in digitization, business intelligence, cyber security and ad hoc solutions.


Entelgy in the Retail sector

The arrival of the new Millenial and Z generations or the convulsion caused by digitalization in the Retail sector as well as the entry of new digital players have restarted the rules of the game. A game of chess, where the King is the client and all the pieces have to revolve around him, in a check strategy where the on and off environments remain united in a unified experience. . 

Entelgy in the Insurance sector

In the insurance sector we are living in a period of change never before known. And what is new is that it is not only the changes, but also their speed! People, technology, companies, laws..., everything is changing and doing so at a truly dizzying pace. In Entelgy we make business solutions based on the best technologies.


Entelgy in the Telco and Media sector

In a scenario that is changing day by day, companies in these two sectors are also converging on their objectives. The search for profit only through the advertising model and the product has changed and both sectors have placed the customer at the centre of their strategies, seeking to know them thoroughly in order to offer them a unique user experience and also to monetise this experience. From Entelgy we collaborate and accompany the big telecommunication operators and media groups in this path.



"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change." (Darwin).

Transformation not only involves anticipating change or being one step ahead of tomorrow’s challenges. A large part of success is making what we want to happen actually happen.

Consequently, at Entelgy, we are working hard to make things happen, to bring change, to make transformation come to life. Fast.

The important part of a transformation process is not the change, but how we tackle it. Our people, internal culture, processes, technology and tools determine whether this new path will be a success or failure.

At Entelgy Digital, we ease organisations’ transformation and change process through people and technology.

We boost our clients, turning their talent into a drive for change, at the speed they require to stay competitive and meet all their business challenges.






We work by connecting experience, methodology and technology to connect people to the organisation. 

Aligning the different areas of the company in the same direction.We offer specialised high-value services, in an attempt to guide our clients along their digital transformation journey. To do so, we work on 3 pillars of transformation, evolution and change.



Change is caused by people.

To do this, we have our own change model concerning behaviour and customs, Mindset Change. Our consultants, certified in the HCMBOK methodology by HuCMI, have the necessary knowledge, experience and skills to cause the change that your organisation needs.




Technology is not an end, it is a means to help us accelerate the change.

In terms of evolving digital environments, we can tackle problem issues and requirements in the current business. We rely on new technology to facilitate change and transformation, providing our clients with custom-built solutions depending on their business needs.



Change is not taking a leap, it’s following a path.

With over 15 years’ experience, and applying agile, visual and participative methodologies, our team is the perfect partner to develop the talent and digital culture that your project needs, and implement the most cutting-edge technological solutions to work for the business..

To all this, we add an ecosystem of strategic allies that allow us to offer our clients a competitive advantage by means of methodologies, processes and innovative technological solutions.




At Entelgy Digital, we wish to boost our clients’ transformation by creating synergies between talent and technology, creating new competitive models that have a positive impact on the business.

And we achieve it through our transformation solutions.



Change is the only constant in life. (Heraclitus)

To get ready for this new, changing and accelerated world, at Entelgy we are always one step ahead to understand how technology can help us tackle tomorrow’s challenges.

We inspire and discover new paths that help us have a positive impact on our clients’ business through technological solutions that boost their activity.

Through our Entelgy ConsultingTech division, we help people get their businesses ready for tomorrow, anticipating challenges and maximising their opportunities.

To anticipate tomorrow together we have created Sinapsis HUB, a new space for innovation and co-creation.





Some of our main clients:

Sharing the challenges

with the bigger ones.

From Entelgy ConsultingTech we help those who accompany us to prepare their businesses for tomorrow, anticipating the challenges and maximizing their opportunities.


*Trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.

People and companies have been changing all their lives, wondering how and when. The only thing that is different today is the speed at which we ask it and, above all, the speed at which we have to approach it.


Accelerating the change. Fast

We are Entelgy, the BusinessTech Consultancy

We are The BusinessTech Consultancy, a global transformation accelerator for those who need to remain competitive in a fast-changing world.

Inspiring and bringing new solutions to the teams we co-create and work with. Helping to adopt and operate the new technologies that drive their challenges, accompanying them in their change, and cyber-protecting their assets.

We work daily to achieve tomorrow's opportunities at the speed we need today, creating a better future for all.

With a global vision. Present in 8 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Spain, MexicoPeru and USA which allows us to give the same response to the same business challenge, in a global way.







Entelgy: we are differential

Based on people and with a business model of sustained development in the long term, Entelgy has an offer of high value and great recognition in the market thanks to the excellent work of our more than 1.900 qualified professionals and our more than 300 clients who have accompanied us to date, globally, all over the world.

Our culture of practical innovation encourages us to respond to tomorrow's challenges at the speed required by "today". For this we have the best and most excellent talent.

In order to offer the greatest value to our clients, at Entelgy we work under principles that make us what we are:


Inspirers & Proactives

Always looking for tomorrow, anticipating future needs. Our Sinapsis Innovation area makes our vision of "providing" more value through innovation a reality, using the company's technological capabilities and generating solutions that respond to today's business challenges. Our global presence on several continents provides us with a vision that allows us to anticipate the world's new challenges.

Close & Committed

Committed to our clients and our talent. With a global presence we want to provide our clients with synergies, inspiration and multidisciplinary teams to face any challenge, anywhere.

Agile & Dynamic

We like to make things happen, and happen fast, adapting to a changing reality. We develop alliances and agreements with innovative organizations, because we believe in collaboration, co-creation and evolution by the best specialists in each of their areas. That is why we work every day to expand our strategic alliances with the most important actors.

Experts & Efficients

Excellence by flag. Since its beginnings, Entelgy has been committed to including internationally recognized standards in its models and methodological frameworks. We are one of the national leaders that has this set of models simultaneously.

All this working relentlessly to facilitate and accelerate the change of our customers at the speed they need to meet their business challenges of tomorrow, today.


Accelerating the Change.Fast




Qualified professionals

+100 M €

Added value



Global Vision

Any challenge, any place


*Figures at group level 2023



Entelgy: value chain

At Entelgy we work to provide maximum value to our customers in the discovery, adoption, consolidation and maintenance of new technologies that boost their business, always cyber-protected. To offer complete and integrated solutions, at Entelgy we transform and manage your business processes with the highest quality and efficiency, through the use of technology and the best user adoption strategy:

Inspiring the change

Innovation, consultancy and technology as a business facilitator. In today's demanding world, companies need to inspiration: we work to help our clients accelerate their transformation at all levels.



Transforming the change

We facilitate the process of transformation and change in organizations through people and technology. We drive our clients, turning their talent into the engine of change, at the speed they need to remain competitive and meet all their business challenges.


Keeping the change 

In the transformation processes, change becomes a commitment that we must maintain over time to make things happen. A path that can become blurred if we do not put the necessary means and efforts. From Entelgy we put all our talent, experience and technology to make things happen. 


Protecting the change

The transformation of our society, and the increasingly connected future, lead us to face new challenges that were unknown until now. The safety of our clients is one of the fundamental pillars of business transformation. Entelgy provides the solutions and intelligence needed to prevent and protect our businesses from cyber-attacks and security breaches.


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